September-October 2019 Calendar and Newsletter
- 08, 13, 2019
- Category Uncategorized
- Posted By Julie Sole
- No Comments.
September 4-6, 2019 Jackson’s Mill
The Annual People First of WV Conference will be held at Jackson’s Mill on September 4-6, 2019. People First of Marion County always has strong showing and participation and this year will be no different. The theme this year is “The Key to the Future is YOU” and many great activities, workshops, and classes are planned.
Please be sure to REGISTER IN ADVANCE for these activities as participation and transportation is typically limited.
September 11th: Harvest Day at the Homestead 12-3 p.m.
October 9th: 10 a.m. -2 p.m. Homestead Farm Center Fall Activities
October 26th: Fairmont State Homecoming Parade (Ride in DAC Van, Walk) 10 a.m.
Mondays 10 to 11 a.m. September 7th to October 14th
Our friend Lauren Hixenbaugh will be back with the WVU Cancer Institute to lead the program “Breathe Well, Live Well”. The 6 week class is a FREE Group Therapy Program to help you quit tobacco. The group is open to all DAC members and the community. Anyone interested can attend and register by calling the DAC.
The Disability Action Center will once again be partnering with WVU Extension Services on an interactive Health and Wellness Program called “Eat Fit-Be Active”. This 8-week program combines food tasting, meal prep and planning, healthy lifestyle education, and physical activity.
Participants will have the opportunity for many giveaways, recipes, and a graduation certificate. Hope you will join us!!
September 13, 2019 6-8 p.m.
September’s Friday Night Out will be sponsored by the Homestead Farm Center and the RURAL Program. We have a great evening planned including a recap of the summer RURAL program, including a taste of the wonderful veggies harvested through the program. We will also celebrate our September birthdays.
Over the Summer we have had some opportunity for early arrivals for programming at the DAC. Now that we head back to Fall/Winter Programming please be advised that the center will be open for clients no earlier than 8:30 a.m. The first classes start at 10:00 a.m. so arriving any sooner than 8:30-9:00 is not necessary. Please remember that any time before 10:00 a.m. is NOT supervised by DAC staff and clients must bring quiet activities to do. Sleeping is not permitted when arriving early and the code of conduct must be followed at all times.
DAC Fall Formal October 18, 2019 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Pamper Room Open 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
5:00 to 6:00 p.m.: A pamper room will be set up for any individual wanting assistance with hair, nails, and make-up. Assistance with hair and wardrobe will also be available for the gentlemen.
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.: Dinner and Dancing
As in years past, we will assist both gals and guys with a dress or suit if needed. We have some formal dresses here at the center and can work with other agencies to make sure you all look your finest. You must call the center two weeks in advance if you need assistance with your attire.
Halloween Costume Party and Movie
October 31, 2019 1-3 p.m.
Our Halloween Costume Party will take place Tuesday, October 31st at the DAC. Wear your favorite costume and come ready for an afternoon of food, fun, and even a Halloween Movie.
Please be sure to NOT wear gruesome, violent or full face covering masks as they are not appropriate for many of our members and are not permitted.
Working with At-Risk Individuals-Reducing the risk of sexual assault and abuse and neglect for people with disabilities.
Marsha Kisner-Rural Services Project Coordinator and
Ashley Hawkins-Sexual Assault Victim Advocate
October 29, 2019 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
We have a great volunteer planning session and training workshop intended for all DAC volunteers, members, family members, partners, and board members.
This training is also open to the public. Lunch will be provided.
RSVP to Julie by October 25th.
A partnership of the DAC and
Homestead Farm CenterThe DAC and HFC are pleased continue the very successful Full STEM Ahead and Creative Arts classes that include:
- Abilibots (adult robotics class) on Tuesdays 10 to 11:30 a.m. (New Enrollment for adults begins NOW and class starts in October)
- Assistive Technology/Computer Lab on Wednesday mornings from 10-12 noon
- Full STEM Ahead after school middle school/high school program. Wednesdays from 3-4:30 p.m. begins October 2nd.
- Try This Thursday (TTT) on Thursday from 10-11:30 a.m.
October TTT: Theatre and acting with Bev Slagle
November TTT: Novel Writing with Cynthia Garcia
December TTT: Electricity and Magnetism
- SPECIAL NOTE: Hand bell Choir will begin to meet again on Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. in November. The Hand bell Choir will have several performances coming up during the Holiday 2019 Season.
Our Programs
- Activities Calendar
- Career Readiness
- Education and Training
- Health & Wellness Program
- Social Development
- Exercise and Fitness
- GO! Get Outdoors
- Experience It Co-Op
- RURAL (Rural to URban Agricultural Learning) Program
- Advocacy
- Mission Transition
- The Assist Award
- Special Olympics WV Marion County
- DAC Education and Resource Fund