January-February 2019 Newsletter
- 01, 23, 2019
- Category Uncategorized
- Posted By Julie Sole
- No Comments.
Membership Renewal Update 2019
Thank you all for the smooth transition in 2018 to our new Membership Structure and Fee Schedule. We will continue this successful membership application and process in 2019. This modest yearly amount is still very low for the amount of programming, staffing, and extra-curricular activities that are available to our members and their families.
Your membership application for 2019 can be found online or at that center. Please return your form with your membership selection as soon as possible.
DAC Bowling League 2019
Our Winter Bowling League will start on Saturday, January 12th at 1 p.m. at the Fairmont Bowling Center and will continue at that time on Saturdays through March 2nd, 2019 (Pending any cancellations due to snow or tournaments). “Active and Inclusive” Members will pay for one game ($1.50) and the DAC will cover the cost of a 2nd game ($1.50). Our Bowling Banquet will be held at the end of the season to recognize those Bowlers who participated the entire season.
For more information you can contact Mike and Liz at 304-290-6724 and always check the DAC Facebook page for updates!
School Closing Schedule
Winter is upon us and we are sure to get some wild wonderful WV weather! We will be following the Marion County School Closing Schedule. If school is cancelled then our classes/programs will be cancelled as well. If there is a 2 hour delay, we will have classes/programs as scheduled. If there is an early dismissal, our afternoon classes/programs will be cancelled. Please call the center if you have any questions.
General Membership Meeting
Our first General Membership Meeting in 2019 will be held on
January 28th at 5:00 p.m. at the center. A light meal will be provided prior to the start of the meeting at 5:30 p.m.
Please make every effort to attend, learn about DAC programs and projects, and help us kick of the New Year with ideas and feedback!
Friday Night Outs
January 18th, 2019 6-8 p.m.
On January 18th, 2019 the FNO will be hosted by Community Outreach for Mental Health with assistance from the Girl Scout Barrackville Troop 35851 . The meal will be a taco bar and activity will be live music!
We will not have a Friday Night Out in February as we are encouraging everyone to participate in The Night to Shine at South Ridge Church of February 8, 2019. See Below for more details.
Night to Shine
Sponsored by The Tim Tebow Foundation
Held locally at South Ridge Church
Febuary 8, 2019 6-9 p.m.
Pamper Room at the DAC (must preregister) 4-6 p.m.
This fabulous evening will include all the celebrity treatment including a Red Carpet, Limo Rides, Dinner, and Dancing, and much more! Support and respite provided for parents/caregivers and “buddies” will be provided for attendees. This event is open to individuals with special needs age 14 and older. The DAC is working with South Ridge in support of the Night to Shine and will have volunteers assisting with the evening.
Night to Shine Dress Fitting and Registration
(Held at the DAC and Open to All)
January 4th, 2019 9 a.m. to 12 noon
The DAC, Stepping Stones, South Ridge Church, and others will be on hand to assist those in need of dresses. We will have a variety of sizes and styles to try on…hope you will come and find your perfect dress.
For more details of the event, including online registration, please visit www.southridgechurch.net or email Danelle Conaway: danelle@southridgefairmont.com
Fairmont State Basketball Games-
GO! Get Outdoors Winter Activities
January 6th , Jan 19th and February 16th at 4 p.m.
Sponsored by Hood Agency and the Nuzum Family in memory of our friend Bobby Romino.
The DAC has 8 FREE tickets to each game. Please call the Center to reserve your spot.
Additional Winter GO! (Get Outdoors) Activities
January 9, 2019 12:30 to 3:00 p.m.
Movie Day at Tygart Cinema: 1:00 p.m. Movie to be Announced. Meet at 12:30
February 13, 2019 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Local Place of Interest Surprise
Limit 10 participants
Please call and reserve your spot for these and ALL Go! Activities
Experience IT Co-Op-Winter-Spring Schedule
Full STEM Ahead and Creative Arts
A partnership of the DAC and Homestead Farm Center
• Abilibots (adult robotics class) NO ABILIBOTS IN JANUARY. WILL RESUME on Tuesdays 10 to 11:30 a.m. in February. Accepting new students then.
• Assistive Technology/Computer Lab on Wednesday mornings from 10-12 noon
• Full STEM Ahead after school middle school/high school program. NO FULL STEM AHEAD IN JANUARY. WILL RESUME on Wednesdays from 3-5:00 p.m. in February.
• Try This Thursday (TTT) on Thursday from 10-11:30 a.m.
January TTT: Poetry and Writing-Cynthia Garcia
February TTT: Home Economics (Sewing, Car Maintenance, Laundry)
January Tuesday Arts: Theatre with Bev Slagle
Check the calendar for full details and descriptions of classes.
Our Programs
- Activities Calendar
- Career Readiness
- Education and Training
- Health & Wellness Program
- Social Development
- Exercise and Fitness
- GO! Get Outdoors
- Experience It Co-Op
- RURAL (Rural to URban Agricultural Learning) Program
- Advocacy
- Mission Transition
- The Assist Award
- Special Olympics WV Marion County
- DAC Education and Resource Fund