March-April 2019 Calendar and Newsletter
- 02, 12, 2019
- Category Uncategorized
- Posted By Julie Sole
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Click Below for March and April 2019 Calendar
March-2019-Calendar- April-2019-Calendar
GO! (Get Outdoors)
March 13th: To be Announced 12-3 p.m.
April 10th: On Eagles Wings Therapeutic Horse Farm 12-3 p.m.
April 30th: Himalayan Salt Cave (Bruceton Mills) 10-2 p.m.
The DAC’s very popular GO! (Get Outdoors) Program will continue in 2019 thanks to a special donation by Phil and Cathy Reed who truly understand the need for inclusive community recreation and activities. The Go! Program is a way to increase the recreational, social, and fitness opportunities available to individuals with disabilities in Marion County. Examples of Go! Activities in the coming year will be swimming and arts at FSU, Palatine Park activities and concerts, field trips, sporting events, farmer’s markets, and many other outdoor activities that get us up and moving.
The Disability Action Center and Marion County Schools
Transition Fair 2019
March 12, 2019 9:00-11:00 a.m.
The DAC and Marion County Schools will once again be partnering on the Transition Fair for Juniors and Seniors at all three high schools. In addition to the high school students, we also encourage parents and adults we serve who are looking for employment, training, supportive services, or have questions about available resources for their family to attend. Vendors will be on hand representing colleges, social security, IDD waiver providers, Division of Rehabilitation, employment opportunities, and more.
Please join us and call the center at (304) 366-3213 if you have questions.
Bowling Party
March 9, 2019 1:00 p.m.
Our end of the year Bowling Party will be held on Saturday, March 9, 2019 at 1 p.m. Refreshments and awards including Top Male and Female Bowler will be announced at this time. The Bowling Party will be at the Center where all Bowlers who completed the entire season will be recognized!
We encourage ONLY bowlers and their families to attend this Party.
St. Patrick’s Day Dance
March 15, 2019 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Our St. Patrick’s Friday Night Out and Dance will begin at 6:00 p.m. our friends from Whitehall Church of Christ are sponsoring the activity and we will have some delicious food and birthday cake for our March birthdays and music to dance the night away! We hope to see everyone in attendance!
Experience IT Co-Op
Full STEM Ahead and Creative Arts
A partnership of the DAC and Homestead Farm Center
The DAC and HFC are pleased continue the very successful Full STEM Ahead and Creative Arts classes that includes:
• Abilibots (adult robotics class) on Tuesdays 10 to 11:30 a.m.
• Assistive Technology/Computer Lab on Wednesday mornings from 10-12 noon
• Full STEM Ahead after school/high school program Wednesday from 3-5 p.m.
• Try This Thursday (TTT) on Thursday from 10-11:30 a.m.
March TTT: STEM Design Challenge
April TTT: Earth Science (Gardening, Soil, Rocks) Note: Classes may be offsite.
• Special events for the Abilibots Team include the RoboXpo Competition at Fairmont Senior High School in April. Stay tuned for details.
• SPECIAL NOTE: Handbell Choir will continue to meet on Thursdays directly following Try This classes. The Handbell Choir will have several performances coming up in the Spring and Summer.
Try This Thursday classes will be 4 weeks blocks of amazing programming including music, home economics, STEM, photography, theatre, board games, and much more.
Check the calendar for full details and descriptions of classes.
Parent, Volunteer, and Community Training
Non-Violent Crisis Intervention
Jim Davis, Marion County Schools
Gia Deasy, Director of Special Services, Marion County Schools
April 15, 2019 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
We have a great volunteer planning session and training workshop intended for all DAC volunteers, members, family members, partners, service providers and board members.
This training is also open to the public. Lunch will be provided.
RSVP to Julie by March 30th.
April Friday Night Out-DAC’s Got Talent
April 12, 2019 6-8 p.m.
Our ABLE Project ladies will be leading the Friday Night Out on April 12, 2019. Girl Scout Troop 51447 will be assisting with the event! The theme will be DAC’s Got Talent! Anyone can participate in the Talent Show….Pre-Registration is required and a sign-up sheet is available now at the DAC. Please let us know if you want to participate and what your special talent will be! Remember, we all have a special talent to share….whether it be singing, dancing, reading, robots, art, Legos, writing, storytelling, stand-up comedy, or just being you!!
We will also celebrate our April birthdays with a delicious meal and birthday cake!!
Fairmont Regional Medical, Special Olympics of Marion County, Woodman of the World and
DAC Easter Egg Hunt April 20, 2019
12 p.m. Registration and Snack 1 p.m. Egg Hunt
We will be holding the annual Easter Egg Hunt for Children of All Abilities on Saturday, April 20, 2019 at the Disability Action Center beginning at 12 noon. We ask that you join us for refreshments and registration at noon and the Egg Hunt will begin at 1 p.m.
We are sure to have a visit from the Easter Bunny and there will be plenty of refreshments and prizes for those in attendance.
April 11 and 12, 2019
It’s time again for our Semi-Annual Sub Sale!
Please see the enclosed order form for more details!
Our goal is to surpass the 2,000 Sub Mark! We Can Do It!!
Volunteers are also needed on April 11th and 12th to prepare for the sale, make the subs, deliver the subs, and help out in any way possible.
Most of all we need to SELL THOSE SUBS!
Please call the center (304) 366-3213 and sign up if you are interested in volunteering!
DAC 10 Year Re-Dedication and Open House
April 30, 2019 4 p.m.
Can you believe it has been 10 years…a decade…in our “new” facility? Join us in taking a look back on the amazing transformation of our once vacant center! Learn about current DAC programs and our plans for continued growth!
Tours and Refreshments will be provided!
Save the Date for these upcoming Spring/Summer Events:
Spring Into Action Fair-Leadership Marion May 4, 2019
11 a.m.-3 p.m. Veteran’s Square
The Disability Action Center will once again be participating in the community themed Spring into Action Fair. This event is sponsored each year by Leadership Marion and
will include local/regional artists including our Positive Chimes Handbell Choir. The DAC and over 30 other community agencies will be highlighting their programs and a variety of food and merchandise vendors will also be in attendance.
This family friendly event is a great way to get involved, support local non-profits, and learn what the community has to offer.
Games, face painting, jump house, concessions, crafters, and a whole lot of FREE activities for the whole family.
Come and visit the DAC table… the DAC if you would like volunteer and help with this event.
Playworks Ability Ride
May 5, 2019 12 noon to 2 p.m.
The 3rd Annual Playworks Ability Ride will take place at Pro Performance in Morgantown and feature not only our amazing bike riders, but this year will also be a presentation by Variety the Children’s Charity and Playworks for the My Bike, My Stroller, and My Voice programs. If you are in need of an adaptive bike, Ipad for voice/communication device, or stroller for mobility/travel, please contact us for more details on how you can benefit from these programs.
Basket Bingo
May 19, 2019 11 3 p.m.
Tickets for our Annual Basket Bingo will be available in March. Liz is working hard already on preparing some amazing baskets and prizes for this fundraiser.
Please contact the center for ticket information and how you can volunteer, sponsor, or help with the event.
RURAL Program (Rural to Urban Agricultural Learning)
12 week summer education and training program in partnership with The
Homestead Farm Center. Applications will be available March 1, 2019 and must be returned by April 15th.
RURAL Prep (open to previous trainees ONLY) begins May 28, 2019
Full RURAL Program begins June 11, 2019
Lucky Duck FamFest
June 8, 2019 Palatine Park 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
In partnership with the Connecting Link and other United Way agencies, the DAC will be participating in this exciting family centered event….including a Duck Drop where you can walk away with Thousands of Dollars!! Stay Tuned for more info.
Our Programs
- Activities Calendar
- Career Readiness
- Education and Training
- Health & Wellness Program
- Social Development
- Exercise and Fitness
- GO! Get Outdoors
- Experience It Co-Op
- RURAL (Rural to URban Agricultural Learning) Program
- Advocacy
- Mission Transition
- The Assist Award
- Special Olympics WV Marion County
- DAC Education and Resource Fund