May-June 2019 Calendar and Newsletter
- 04, 08, 2019
- Category Uncategorized
- Posted By Julie Sole
- No Comments.
May-2019-Calendar June-2019-Calendar-
DAC Basket Bingo
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Doors Open: 12:00 p.m. Bingo Starts: 1:00 p.m.
Knights of Columbus, Fairmont, WV
Tickets are on sale now for our Annual Basket Bingo! This fabulous fundraiser features an assortment of gift baskets themed with remarkable prizes from American Girl Doll, WVU, Vera Bradley, Fiestaware, Longaberger, Wine and Cheese, Outdoor Living and more.
Additional raffles and games on site.
Refreshments and fresh baked goods will be available.
For Tickets and More Information, Please contact:
Julie @ (304) 366-3213 or
Or Liz @ (304) 290-6724.
Experience IT Co-Op
Full STEM Ahead and Creative Arts
A partnership of the DAC and Homestead Farm Center
The DAC and HFC are pleased continue the very successful Full STEM Ahead and Creative Arts classes that include:
- Abilibots: Will break until September 2019
- Assistive Technology/Computer Lab on Wednesday mornings from 10-12 noon
- Full STEM Ahead after school/high school program: On BREAK for SUMMER. VEX Robotics Team NEW Enrollment in September.
- Try This Thursday (TTT) on Thursday from 10-11:30 a.m.
May TTT: Sign Language (Alphabet, Common Phrases) Bev Slagle
June TTT: Beginning Piano. Guest Instructor, Bev Slagle
- Tuesday Morning Classes will continue through summer following a similar 4 week schedule as Try This Thursday from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Tuesdays in May: Green Thumb Garden Starters
Tuesday in June: Wellness and Fitness
SPECIAL NOTE: Handbell Choir will have several performances in the Spring and Summer. Practice will begin again in the Fall.
Through Summer, Try This Thursday classes and Tuesday morning classes will be 4 weeks blocks of amazing programming including music, home economics, STEM, photography, theatre, board games, cooking, summer skill retention, and much more.
Check the calendar for full details and descriptions of classes.
(Rural to Urban Agricultural Learning)
June 11th to August 16th
Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday each week 8:30 to 3:00 p.m.
A Partnership between the Disability Action Center and the Homestead Farm Center, Inc., designed to provide employment and job training in agricultural education to individuals with disabilities. Farm Trainees will complete a variety of lessons/work including gardening, landscaping, greenhouse, livestock, and more.
Applications for this program close on April 15, 2019 and accepted trainees will be announced in May 2019.
Stay tuned for many upcoming activities and announcements for RURAL
GO! Get Outdoors Activities
May 30, 2019 1-3 p.m. Fishing and Fitness at Palatine Park
June 8th 11-3 p.m. Lucky Duck FamFest and Family Day
June 12, 2019 12-3 p.m. Swimming at 12th St. Pool
Spring Into Action Fair- May 4, 2019
11 a.m.-3 p.m. Veteran’s Square
The DAC will once again be participating in the community themed Spring into Action Fair. Live music will include local/regional artists including our Positive Chimes Handbell Choir.
This family friendly event is a great way to get involved, support local non-profits, and learn what the community has to offer.
Games, face painting, jump house, concessions, crafters, and a whole lot of FREE activities for the whole family. Come and visit the DAC table… the DAC if you would like volunteer and help with this event.
Playworks Ability Ride
May 5, 2019 12 noon to 2 p.m.
The 4th Annual Playworks Ability Ride will take place at Pro Performance in Morgantown and feature not only our amazing bike riders, but this year will also be a presentation by Variety the Children’s Charity and Playworks for the My Bike, My Stroller, and My Voice programs. If you are in need of an adaptive bike, Ipad for voice/communication device, or stroller for mobility/travel, please contact us for more details on how you can benefit from these programs.
Friday Night Outs
May 17, 2019 6-8 p.m. includes Graduation Recognition
June 14th, 2019 6-8 p.m. LIFE UMC Church
The Heston’s will lead the May 17th FNO which will recognize our May Birthdays and graduating Seniors. June FNO will be sponsored by LIFE UMC Church and will include music and fellowship!
If you are a member of the DAC and will be graduating with the Class of 2019 from an area high school, please attend as we will have a special gift for you. Graduates and their family members can rsvp to the center by calling Julie at 304-366-3213. Please note, only graduates MUST rsvp to confirm their attendance.
DAC/Mallamo Golf Tournament
Green Hills Country Club
June 28, 2019 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Volunteers, Golf Tournament Sponsors, and of course golfers are needed to participate in this year’s tournament. This tournament is our largest fundraiser and the longest standing Golf Tournament in Marion County. If you are interested in being a part of the tournament, please contact Julie at the Center at (304) 366-3213 Or Jimmy Hess at (304) 838-0571.
DAC Summer Camp CAN-DO
July 22-26, 2019 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Registration is NOW OPEN!! Call the center for a registration form or online at
A Full Schedule of activities will be released in June.
July 29 to AUGUST 1, 2019
The DAC will be CLOSED for regularly scheduled programming to focus on the CEO 2.0 Summit in partnership with the WV Division of Rehabilitation (WVDRS). This week-long workshop is open to eligible registrants as approved by WVDRS for Pre-Employment Training Services. Youth must be age 14-21 and enrolled in school to participate.
We hope you will take this time off from DAC programs to recover from a super busy of Camp CAN-DO and spend time with your families. Classes will return to a normal schedule on August 5th.
DAC Education and Resource Endowment Mini Grant Applications Open May 1, 2019:
The Disability Action Center Education and Resource Fund Endowment will focus on three areas of giving and support:
- The Assist Award Scholarship given yearly to special needs graduates in Marion County Schools (separate from the grant process);
- Educational needs of individuals with disabilities and their families; and
- Resources for individuals with disabilities and their families to include home modifications, assistive technology, personal development, trainings and support services.
Criteria to receive grant funding:
- Applicants for Mini grants must be out of school Adults (over the age of 18 and out of school) who are Members of the DAC.
- Applicants can apply as many times as needed but can only receive funding once every three years. This limit is per client and not per family so multiple family members can receive funding in different years.
- All applications must be complete and include a letter of recommendation or support from a provider, teacher, family member, worker who can verify the need.
- The applicants must agree to follow-up, providing receipts, and documentation of appropriate use of funds.
- Funding priorities in order are as follows:
1. Education and Employment Need
2. Home Modification or Independent Living Need
3. Assistive Technology
4. Training, Resource, or Support
As limited funds are available through the DAC Education and Resource Endowment Fund, grant applications are highly competitive and all applications must be completed entirely. Guidelines for funding are very specific and will be followed without exception. Please pay close attention to the yearly funding maximum when making your request.
Maximum funding request for 2019 is $250. The grant committee will review completed grant submissions and may award up to three grants for this grant period.
Please contact the DAC for a grant application, review the priorities closely, and submit completed applications to Julie at the DAC no later than June 14, 2019. A decision on grant awards will be made in June 2019.
Our Programs
- Activities Calendar
- Career Readiness
- Education and Training
- Health & Wellness Program
- Social Development
- Exercise and Fitness
- GO! Get Outdoors
- Experience It Co-Op
- RURAL (Rural to URban Agricultural Learning) Program
- Advocacy
- Mission Transition
- The Assist Award
- Special Olympics WV Marion County
- DAC Education and Resource Fund