YCF Mini Grant Applications Released
- 05, 11, 2017
- Category Uncategorized
- Posted By Julie Sole
- No Comments.
DAC Education and Resource Endowment Mini Grants Announced:
The Disability Action Center Education and Resource Fund Endowment will focus on three areas of giving and support:
- The Assist Award Scholarship given yearly to special needs graduates in Marion County Schools (separate from the grant process);
- Educational needs of individuals with disabilities and their families; and
- Resources for individuals with disabilities and their families to include home modifications, assistive technology, personal development, trainings and support services.
Criteria to receive grant funding:
- Applicants for Mini grants must be out of school Adults (over the age of 18 and out of school) who are Members of the DAC.
- Applicants can apply as many times as needed but can only receive funding once every three years. This limit is per client and not per family so multiple family members can receive funding in different years.
- All applications must be complete and include a letter of recommendation or support from a provider, teacher, family member, worker who can verify the need.
- The applicants must agree to follow-up, providing receipts, and documentation of appropriate use of funds.
- Funding priorities in order are as follows:1. Education and Employment Need
2. Home Modification or Independent Living Need
3. Assistive Technology
4. Training, Resource, or Support
As limited funds are available through the DAC Education and Resource Endowment Fund, grant applications are highly competitive and all applications must be completed entirely. Guidelines for funding are very specific and will be followed without exception. Please pay close attention to the yearly funding maximum when making your request.Maximum funding request for 2017 is $250. The grant committee will review completed grant submissions and may award up to three grants for this grant period.
Please contact the DAC for a grant application (or click the link below for PDF version), review the priorities closely, and submit completed applications to Julie at the DAC no later than June 30, 2017. A decision on grant awards will be made in late July 2017.
- DAC Education and Resource Grant Application
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