About Us
The DAC currently serves over 500 children and adults with disabilities, their families, and other disability service providers in North Central WV. Participants are from Marion, Monongalia, Harrison, Taylor, and Barbour counties. Clients range in age from 10 to 60+ with a wide range of physical, intellectual, and sensory challenges.
Formerly known as the Arc of Marion County, the DAC has been providing programs and services for children, adults and their families since 1958.
The founding chapter of the ARC (Association of Retarded Citizens) of Marion County, WV was comprised primarily of parents of children and adult children with mental retardation. The group lobbied for better educational and vocational opportunities for all people with mental retardation or developmental disabilities. As society progressed and the term mental retardation took on a negative connotation, the Association of Retarded Citizens changed their name to simply, The ARC. The mission and goal of The ARC was to always further the lives and opportunities of people with developmental disabilities.
In 2008, the ARC of Marion County, WV took a step further by incorporating and changing their name and mission to a more positive and proactive organization: The Disability Action Center (DAC). The DAC has broadened the scope of our programs to focus more on employment readiness, adult transition, independent living, health and wellness, and all-encompassing education programs that enrich the quality of life for individuals with disabilities and their families.
Mission Statement. The Disability Action Center is a comprehensive education, training, and enrichment center for individuals with disabilities and their families: a place for individuals of all abilities to learn, train, work, recreate, advocate, and be supported in setting and reaching life goals.
Vision Statement: The Disability Action Center’s educational and enrichment programs will empower individuals with disabilities and their families to become the best they can be physically, socially, emotionally, educationally, and financially. All DAC programs aim to improve the overall quality of life of participants by ensuring each member is engaged, included, and accepted in all areas of life; and to provide an environment where individuals can continue to learn and be productive members of the community through all stages of life.
Core Services: Career Readiness, Experience IT Co-Op, Education and Training, Health and Wellness, Life Skills and Independent Living, Social Development, Exercise and Fitness, Self-Advocacy, and DAC Connect.
The Purpose of The Disability Action Center is:
- To improve the quality of life of individuals with disabilities and their families in West Virginia.
- To promote community awareness and understanding of individuals with disabilities in pursuit of building an inclusive community.
- To cooperate and enlist the support of public, private, religious, medical, educational, and professional agencies on the local, state, and federal level in furtherance of these objectives.
- To further the implementations of statutes and regulations on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities.
- To foster the development of integrated programs and employment on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
- To increase the literacy and lifelong learning for individuals with disabilities and their families in the areas of science, technology, engineering, art, and math.
- To encourage nutrition education and inspire a healthy and positive lifestyle for individuals with disabilities and their families.
- To empower our members to set and reach life goals and encourage financial and cultural awareness in pursuit of becoming responsible, contributing members of society.
- To develop a family support network and sense of belonging and community through social and recreational programs.
- To promote self-advocacy through our People First group and educate our members about their rights, responsibilities, and capabilities in living a self-directed purpose driven life.
- To deliver quality linkage and referral services to individuals with disabilities and their families and remain a proactive community resource center.
Our Programs
- Activities Calendar
- Career Readiness
- Education and Training
- Health & Wellness Program
- Social Development
- Exercise and Fitness
- GO! Get Outdoors
- Experience It Co-Op
- RURAL (Rural to URban Agricultural Learning) Program
- Advocacy
- Mission Transition
- The Assist Award
- Special Olympics WV Marion County
- DAC Education and Resource Fund