Career Readiness
Disability Action Center’s Career Readiness Center (CRC) is to provide specialized, hands-on training to individuals of all abilities in the areas of clerical, food service, laundry and janitorial. The CRC is a comprehensive, facility-based program that combines preparatory classroom instruction with a skill attainment, practical work experience followed by competitive job placement assistance and/or supported employment. The CRC focusing on the use of technology, customer service, safety and workplace preparedness, and individualized support while developing work skills in facility and community-based settings. The job placement is always client centered with the goal of integrated, competitive employment.
WV Division of Rehabilitation Programs: The Disability Action Center is an approved Community Rehabilitation Provider, working closely with clients referred from the WVDRS on the following:
Daniel Memorial Life Skills Training: Curriculum based program that teaches individuals the tools they need to succeed in life and live independently. The program focuses on 16 core areas including Housekeeping, Job Readiness, Food Management, Money Management, Legal Skills, Education Planning, and more.
Work Skills Assessment: Facility based training that combines curriculum-based instruction combined with hands on work, designed to gauge and individuals to work in the janitorial, clerical, food service, or laundry field.
Community Based Assessment: Similar to the Work Skills Assessment, but the work experience and training takes place in the community setting and the placement or work experience site is open to a larger field of occupations and interests.
Direct Job Placement: Job Placement Assistance is provided to individuals who have a vocational or work goal in mind and need assistance in both preparatory skills such as resume writing and interview skills, as well as assistance in landing the job.
Job Coaching: Short term job coaching is provided to individuals who are placed in employment and require additional supports in training, transition, and retention of employment.
Mission Transition: Mission Transition provides year-round case management, self-advocacy training, in-school student workshops, family support workshops, social security work incentives counseling and mentoring opportunities, along with job shadowing and exploration opportunities. It is vital to post-secondary success to increase the graduation rate of special needs students with a standard high school diploma whenever possible, increase the workplace readiness and independent living training prior to the student’s graduation, and increase the overall post-high school employment, training, self-advocacy, and supportive services available for special needs students. Focusing on education and inclusion of the entire family on post-secondary opportunities is paramount to the student’s success and vital to dispelling fears created by generational poverty and dependency of Social Security Benefits.
The major flagship event of the program is the Marion County Schools-DAC Transition Fair held in the Spring to provide over 100 special needs Junior and Seniors with the opportunity to meet with specialized training and transition providers including colleges, technical schools, employers, housing providers, and more. Intensive summer services will be provided for graduates who need additional assistance with education planning, employment readiness, and enrollment in post-high school support services, including those offered long term at the Disability Action Center. Ultimately, the Mission Transition program empowers participants to become employed, earning a living wage and giving back to their community, while reaching the greatest level of personal independence and satisfaction as possible.
Mission Transition in school workshops, parent workshops, job exploration days, and early intervention services will commence with the beginning of each school year, run throughout the entire school year, and culminate with the intensive summer program for graduates.
Our Programs
- Activities Calendar
- Career Readiness
- Education and Training
- Health & Wellness Program
- Social Development
- Exercise and Fitness
- GO! Get Outdoors
- Experience It Co-Op
- RURAL (Rural to URban Agricultural Learning) Program
- Advocacy
- Mission Transition
- The Assist Award
- Special Olympics WV Marion County
- DAC Education and Resource Fund