Check out our Membership Drive Video:
DAC Mission, Membership, and Making Connections
It’s that time of year again to renew your membership and commitment to the DAC. As a small, community-based non-profit, DAC programs are funded through our membership, along with support from the United Way of Marion and Taylor Counties, grants, fundraisers, donations, and contributions from our local government and community.
Membership application and policy forms can be downloaded below:
DAC Membership Application 2025
DAC Level of Support Policy
DAC Full Client Intake and Participation Agreement
DAC Code of Conduct
We are often asked: Who can be a Member of the Disability Action Center? And the answer is ANYONE. You do not have to be a person with a disability to be a member of the DAC, however, we encourage those who are receiving services to become members. Educators, family members, community members, or anyone interested in the center and all the great work we do can become a member.
Your membership fee helps to maintain our programs through purchasing supplies, food, equipment, resources, and materials. Membership fees also support special events and assists with improvements to the center.
As a member, you will receive monthly calendars and newsletters informing you of all of the activities at the center. Your membership ensures your participation in all center activities including our camps, field trips, and extracurricular activities. Members also get reduced prices for our Bowling League, Day Camp, and Banquet Hall Rental. You are also encouraged to attend two General Membership meetings a year!
The Disability Action Center provides year round activities to individuals with disabilities and their families and we strive to make this center a home and safe haven to all. Our mission is to help each person reach their greatest level of independence and our programs are designed to teach, empower, share, and promote self-resilience. We are currently serving over 450 individuals and their families.
We cannot do it without a strong membership. Please support the DAC and our programs through your membership and help to make a difference! You may also make tax deductible donations in addition to your membership at this time or anytime throughout the year.
There are many different membership plans to suit your participation level in DAC Programming. Memberships starting as low as $50 per year up to $150 per year for all inclusive programming. Options available for partner agencies as well.
If you are interested in becoming a DAC member, please download complete the DAC Membership Application, Policy Forms or Online Form Below:
Click Here for the Social/Community Membership($50/yr) Online Form
Click Here for the Active Membership ($100/yr) Online Form
Click Here for the All Inclusive Membership ($150/yr) Online Form
Our Programs
- Activities Calendar
- Career Readiness
- Education and Training
- Health & Wellness Program
- Social Development
- Exercise and Fitness
- GO! Get Outdoors
- Experience It Co-Op
- RURAL (Rural to URban Agricultural Learning) Program
- Advocacy
- Mission Transition
- The Assist Award
- Special Olympics WV Marion County
- DAC Education and Resource Fund