January-February 2024 Calendar and Newsletter

Membership Renewal and Policy Updates

Your membership application for 2024 is included in this mailing and can be found online or at that center. Please return your form with your membership selection as soon as possible.

If you are a NEW member, you are also asked to sign three Policy Forms (Intake/Participant Agreement, Level of Support Policy, and Code of Conduct).

If you are an existing member, of the DAC you are asked to please make any changes or updates to these forms. See below.

Please also be sure to update your Level of Support Policy with the DAC if there are ANY changes in your support needs or recommendations. You should update your plan according to the client’s age or whether they started to receive Title 19 IDD Waiver services, either through wait list approval or coming off of the waitlist and completing your IPP Plan. Please update contact and emergency contact information as well on your client intake form.

New Membership applications are now available on our website under the membership tab and at the front desk of the DAC. Please update any policy forms along with your membership.

Wednesdays 10-11:30 a.m.

Our Wednesday mornings are getting a makeover! Just like the middle of a BINGO card, our Wednesday mornings are your FREE SPACE to access DAC assistive technologies, resources, and games. FREE SPACE is self-directed, non-instructional time for clients and families to take advantage of the vast library of educational and fun activities already available at the center.

NEW Program: Ask Me Anything!
January 19th, 2024    10 a.m. to 12 noon

In response to our program needs survey in the Fall of 2023, the DAC is implementing the new “Ask Me Anything” series for families. These interactive sessions are an open forum for parents and caretakers to ask those important questions to both DAC staff and to other parents and caretakers who may be experiencing the same challenges. The first Ask My Anything session will take a broad look and allow us to assess the greatest needs and concerns with future sessions being more customized. Topics may include guardianship, waiver programs, IEP’s, therapies, social security, work programs, caregiver fatigue and more. Please RSVP by January 17th.

DAC Bowling League 2024
Saturdays @11 a.m.

Our Winter Bowling League will start on Saturday, January 13th at 11 a.m. at the Fairmont Bowling Center and will continue at that time on Saturdays through February 17th (Pending any cancellations due to snow or tournaments).
The DAC Bowling League is open to all DAC Members…please pay your Membership Dues at the beginning of the year or prior to the start of the league. All Bowlers will pay for one game of bowling and the DAC will pay for one game.

Our Bowling Party will be held on February 17th (directly following bowling) to recognize those Bowlers who participated the entire season.

For more information you can contact Mike and Liz at 304-290-6724 and always check the DAC Facebook page for updates!

General Membership Meeting

Our first General Membership Meeting in 2024 will be held on January 22nd at 4:00 p.m. at the center. A light meal will be provided prior to the start of the meeting at 4:30 p.m.

Please make every effort to attend, learn about DAC programs and projects, and help us kick off the New Year with ideas and feedback!

Save the Date: DAC Special Events

February 9th, 2024 6-9 p.m. Night to Shine @South Ridge Church
April 12th, 2024 5-7 p.m. DAC Talent Show @ the DAC
June 14th, 2024 5-7 p.m. Picnic with LIFE Church @ LIFE Church
August 10th, 2024 4-7 p.m. Homestead BBQ @ Homestead Farm Center
October 25th, 2024  5-6 p.m. DAC Trunk or Treat @ the DAC

December 7th, 2024 5-8 p.m. DAC Christmas Dinner & Program @ LIFE Church

We are excited to focus on larger, more structured special events this coming year. We have taken the “favorite” Friday Night Outs and combined them with our partner activities to create very special activities for our families to look forward to in the coming year.

GO! (Get Outdoors) Activities
January 10, 2024   1-3 p.m. FSU Falcon Center
February 14, 2024   1-3 p.m. Movie Day

Limit 8 participants due to safe transportation practices. Additional participants must provide their own transportation. Please call and reserve your spot!

Night to Shine Dress Fitting, Suit Giveaway and Registration
 (Dress Giveaway at the DAC
Menswear/Suit Giveaway at Career Clothing Closet-Veterans Square)

January 5th, 2024 9 a.m. to 12 noon

The DAC is hosting a dress fitting and will be assisting those with registration for the event if needed. We will have a variety of sizes and styles to try on…hope you will come and find your perfect dress. Suits and menswear will be available at the Career Clothing Closet 320 Adams St. Suite L05

Experience IT Co-Op-Enrichment Schedule
Full STEM Ahead and Creative Arts
A partnership of the DAC and Homestead Farm Center

The DAC and HFC are pleased continue the very successful Enrichment Programs including:

  • Make it Mondays: January: Puzzle Challenge   February: Cardboard Creations
  • Tuesday STEM: January: Intriguing Insects   February: Animal Kingdom
  • Try This Thursday (TTT): January: U.S. History    February: Guitar Hero

All Morning Enrichment program will be held from 10-11:30 a.m. and will be held in 1-month blocks. Please plan to attend the entire monthly session from the start. Check the calendar for full details and descriptions of classes.

#Higherground Building Fund and DAC Expansion

#Higherground Expansion continues at DAC with projects including the outdoor classroom (completed), DAC-Wilfong Wellness Center, and the vertical platform lift (complete) on the main DAC facility. Grant writing and fundraising continues for the DAC-Wilfong Wellness Center and the properties across the street and the sites have been cleared for the construction of the one-of-a-kind, accessible gym and wellness space.

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