January and February 2022 Calendar and Newsletter
- 12, 23, 2021
- Category Uncategorized
- Posted By Julie Sole
- No Comments.

#Higherground Transition
What a challenging but amazing year 2021 has been for our organization.
We have been so blessed with support since the flooding in June 202. Thanks to support from our state, county, and city representatives, generous grantors, and faithful donors, the DAC is headed to #higherground at our new facility at 448 Leonard Ave. in Fairmont.
We are nearing completion of major renovations that needed to happen prior to our move, including expanding classroom space, creating the instructional kitchen space, and adding additional restrooms. While additional renovations will be needed for expansion in the future, we are confident of a seamless transition of services from the 102 Benoni Ave. location to the new site. The big move is planned for the first week of January and programs will begin at the new site on January 10th, 2022.
Please see the timeline below:
December 21: Last day of programs at 102 Benoni Ave.
December 22: No programs at 102 Benoni Ave.
December 22: Private tour/open house of new site for current DAC members and Board
December 23: No programs at 102 Benoni Ave.
December 24-December 27: DAC Closed for Christmas Holiday
December 28-31: No Programs DAC staff and volunteers will be preparing for move. January 2-7, 2022: No Programs Major DAC Move to New Site/unpacking.
January 10, 2022: First day of new programs at new site. See Calendar for details.
Membership Renewal and Policy Updates
Your membership application for 2022 is included in this mailing and can be found online or at that center. Please return your form with your membership selection as soon as possible.
If you are a NEW member, you are also asked to sign three Policy Forms (Intake/Participant Agreement, Level of Support Policy, and Code of Conduct).
If you are an existing member, of the DAC you are asked to please make any changes or updates to these forms. See below.
Please also be sure to update your Level of Support Policy with the DAC if there are ANY changes in your support needs or recommendations. You should update your plan according to the client’s age or whether they started to receive Title 19 IDD Waiver services, either through wait list approval or coming off of the waitlist and completing your IPP Plan. Please update contact and emergency contact information as well on your client intake form.
New Membership applications are now available on our website under the membership tab and at the front desk of the DAC.
Please update any policy forms along with your membership.
#Higherground Building Fund
Although the move is in sight, there is still much work to be done and manyfunds still to be secured. We appreciate your patience and support throughout this process and there are still many ways you can help:
- We are still accepting donations and actively seeking grants to help with the renovations of the new facility. Donations can be made directly to the DAC at 102 Benoni Ave. Fairmont; to the DAC Building Fund C/O WesBanco Bank, 301 Adams St. Fairmont, WV 26554; or via the established GoFundMe by following the link: https://gofund.me/93cceaa4.
- Consider volunteering to help pack the many offices and classrooms of the DAC when the time comes (moving will be coordinated through a moving company).
- Pray for our center, staff, clients, and families as we work together to make this move to a safer, healthier environment for many years to come.
COVID-19 Guidelines and Mask Policy
Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases throughout our region, the DAC will require mask use when participating in group, indoor activities, regardless of vaccination status. Staff and volunteers are not required to wear masks when working independently in their private offices, however, masks will be required in all common areas and group activities.
The DAC will continue to follow all CDC and Health Department guidelines pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please stay tuned for updates and recommendations.
Larger group events such as Bowling and Friday Nights Out that are returning in 2022 will be modified if Marion County is in the Red on the COVID WV DHHR Map.
DAC Bowling League 2022
The DAC Bowling League will begin in February 2022 to allow time for the move to the new center. This year’s league will be 4 weeks, every Saturday in February at 11:00 a.m.
Please note that we will NOT hold Bowling if Marion County is in the RED on the COVID WV DHHR map the previous day.
General Membership Meeting
Our first General Membership Meeting in 2022 will be held on January 24th at 4:00 p.m. at the center. A light meal will be provided prior to the start of the meeting at 4:30 p.m.
Please make every effort to attend, learn about DAC programs and projects, and help us kick off the New Year with ideas and feedback!
Friday Nights Out
January 21st, 2022 5-6 p.m.
February 11th, 2022 5-6 p.m.
We hope to be able to return to in-person Friday Nights Out in 2022. However, in maintaining our commitment to safety, the FNO will be a drive by/pick up event if Marion County is RED on the COVID WV DHHR map the previous day.
GO! (Get Outdoors) Activities
January 12, 2022 1-3 p.m. Falcon Center
February 9, 2022 1-3 p.m. Movie
Limit 8 participants due to safe transportation practices. Additional participants must provide their own transportation. Please call and reserve your spot!
Experience IT Co-Op-Enrichment Schedule
Full STEM Ahead and Creative Arts
A partnership of the DAC and Homestead Farm Center
The DAC and HFC are pleased continue the very successful Enrichment Programs including:
- Abilibots (adult robotics class) Space is limited. Please call to pre-register.
- NEW: Make it Mondays: January and February: Fiber Arts
- Tuesday STEM: January: VEX IQ Robots February: EV3 Robots
- Try This Thursday (TTT): January: Current Events February: Music Appreciation
All Morning Enrichment program will be held from 10-11:30 a.m. and will be held in
1-month blocks. Please plan to attend the entire monthly session from the start.
Check the calendar for full details and descriptions of classes.
We are so excited to start making new memories in the new building. We cannot thank you all enough for the support in the past year and we are committed, now more than ever, to live out of our motto “Seeing the Possibilities, Not the Disabilities!”
Our Programs
- Activities Calendar
- Career Readiness
- Education and Training
- Health & Wellness Program
- Social Development
- Exercise and Fitness
- GO! Get Outdoors
- Experience It Co-Op
- RURAL (Rural to URban Agricultural Learning) Program
- Advocacy
- Mission Transition
- The Assist Award
- Special Olympics WV Marion County
- DAC Education and Resource Fund