July-August 2021 Calendar and Newsletter
- 06, 30, 2021
- Category Uncategorized
- Posted By Julie Sole
- No Comments.
July-2021-Calendar August-2021-Calendar
#Higherground Building Fund
As you may know, due to repetitive flooding from June 10-14, 2021, The Disability Action Center incurred extensive damage to the interior and exterior of the facility, including loss of equipment and building contents; loss of program and facility rental income; cleaning, extraction, and sanitation costs; and costs to temporarily secure the exterior of the facility. These damages (not including loss of potential funding while remaining in the current facility) total approximately $150-200,000. The cost of relocation to a comparable 11,000+ square foot facility will be $600,000 at minimum for a total estimated need of $750,000.
We are asking that our friends, supporters, and community leaders prioritize and facilitate the needed relocation of this vital center by helping secure the necessary funding for such a formidable endeavor.
You can best help by doing the following:
- Write a letter of support (a sample can be provided for you) for our cause. Completed letters will be compiled and utilized to secure funding for this project.
- Make donations directly to the DAC at 102 Benoni Ave. Fairmont; to the DAC Building Fund C/O WesBanco Bank, 301 Adams St. Fairmont, WV 26554; or via the established GoFundMe by following the link: https://gofund.me/93cceaa4.
- Contact your city, county, and state representatives and urge them to provide critical capital funds for the center to relocate to a comparable facility and mitigate any further loss to the flooded 102 Benoni Avenue location.
DAC Summer Camp CAN-DO
July 26-30, 2020 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
A full schedule of activities and registration is available at the DAC and at disabilityactioncenter.com.
Please call or come in the center to Pre-Register.
The Camp CAN-DO theme for 2021 is “The DAC is Out of This World”…a creative combination of intrigue and fascination with outer space, astronomy, and STEM activities, along with understanding each individuals earthly footprint and environmental stewardship. An adventurous Week of Camp CAN-DO will feature STEM activities on gravity, astronomy, and rocketry, a field trip to Planet X for a Galactic Party, and a special Space Camp Day at the Homestead Farm Center.
Cost will be $5.00 per day for DAC members and $10.00 per day for non-members.
Please call or come in the center to Pre-Register.
Friday Night Outs-July and August 2021
We will not be holding Friday Night Outs in July and August to better support the larger events already scheduled during those months.
In July, Mountain Creative is hosting a Mugraiser (Fundraiser) on our behalf on July 24th. This event is FREE and we encourage you to take part to support the centers fundraising efforts.
In August, we encourage you to support the Homestead Farm Center BBQ Dinner Fundraiser on August 21st. Tickets are on sale now and all proceeds will benefit Homestead Farm Center programs. Please support our partners!
Friday Night Outs will resume in-person in September 2021.
General Membership Board Meeting
July 26th 4:00 p.m.
All Members are invited to attend our Semi-Annual General Membership Board Meeting on July 26th. Light meal will be provided at 4 p.m. with the meeting starting directly after. Your voice and participation are appreciated and we encourage you to attend.
GO! Get Outdoors Activities
July 14th 11-1 p.m. Coal Country Miniature Golf
August 11th: 1-3 Splash Pad and Palatine Park
August 25th: 10-2 p.m. End of Summer Picnic-Location to be determined.
(Stay tuned for new dates/activities each month through Fall)
Experience IT Co-Op
Full STEM Ahead and Creative Arts
A partnership of the DAC and Homestead Farm Center
The DAC and HFC are pleased continue the very successful Full STEM Ahead and Creative Arts classes that include:
- Abilibots: Will break until September 2021
- Full STEM Ahead after school/high school program: On BREAK for SUMMER.
- Try This Thursday (TTT) on Thursday from 10-11:30 a.m.
July TTT: Weather and Solar
August TTT: Sign Language
Tuesday Morning Classes will continue through summer following a similar 4 week schedule as Try This Thursday from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
- Tuesdays in July: Sports Basics
- Tuesday in August: Photography
Our Programs
- Activities Calendar
- Career Readiness
- Education and Training
- Health & Wellness Program
- Social Development
- Exercise and Fitness
- GO! Get Outdoors
- Experience It Co-Op
- RURAL (Rural to URban Agricultural Learning) Program
- Advocacy
- Mission Transition
- The Assist Award
- Special Olympics WV Marion County
- DAC Education and Resource Fund